– Mystery Doug is a fun site for weekly science videos. Each week, Doug puts out a new video, roughly 5 minutes in length, covering a question posed by students around the country. After each video, you can vote on the video topic for the following week. It’s a fun way to start science each week. – Great resource for professional development, buying tools for experiments, and coming up with experiments and ideas. – Fantastic resource for experiments, lessons, videos, topics, pictures and quizzes. Site covers a wide range of topics. – Site full of ideas, lessons, resources, games, and media to support science learning. Backed by one of the most influential names in learning. High-quality materials available. Easy to navigate. – Another high quality site full of ideas and resources to support science learning. Can be broken down by grade level to make searching easier. – Site full of ideas and resources but also explanations. It’s as important to understand what you are teaching as it is to have fun and engaging ways to do it. – Lots of ideas for lessons. Full resources for lessons. Number of topics are limited, but a lot of resources if you can find the topic you are looking for. – List of YouTube sites with fun science videos. Always good to have a site with links to more sites.