Assistive Technology

According to, assistive technology is any tool that helps students work with and around their disabilities so they can learn, communicate and function at their highest possible level. When other supports are also in place, assistive technology can also help kids build confidence and become more independent learners.

Mindfulness Apps

There are two assistive technologies I want to highlight today related to helping kids who struggle to pay attention and get distracted easily. The first is a mindfulness app. We have been working on building mindful awareness in the classroom through breathing and paying attention to our senses. The Wellbeyond Meditation for Kids app by common sense media is a good tool for practicing breathing and reflection outside of school. Click on the links below for more information about mindfulness.

The Power of Mindfulness


Read Mode

The second assistive technology related to attention is called Read Mode. Read Mode is a Chrome tool that clears advertisements and animations from webpages and allows students access to a simple black-and-white article. For example, when reading this article on
elephants from, the screen
goes from cluttered and distracting to
more simple. For more information, visit








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