3/4 (3/20)

Here is our class recording on 3/20.

Literature Reviews

Here are the first three Galvan chapters: Galvan-Ch1-3

21 thoughts on “3/4 (3/20)

    • my research question is:
      What is the effectiveness of classroom physical activity on student class participation.

      preferred research tradition- Quantitative

    • my research question is:
      What is the effectiveness of incorporating Dialectical Behavior Therapy into academics on student daily data outcomes?

      preferred research tradition- Quantitative

    • 1. My preferred research tradition is quantitative closely followed by mixed-methods.
      2. My current research question: What impact does the use of sentence frames have on the demonstration of voice in student writing?

    • It was hard to decide which of the research traditions I preferred. I think my preferred method is qualitative. However, I do believe the different methods are more or less useful for different research.

      My research question is… What is the effectiveness of the special education protocols and laws in lessoning the disproportion of minority students during the eligibility process?

    • 1. Quantitative

      2. What is the effectiveness of a break-pass intervention on reducing elopement behavior in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder?

    • 1. Probably Qualitative, but Quantitative can be easier to do.

      2. What is the effectiveness of using the “Zones of Regulation” check-in for students with significant disabilities on self-identifying their own regulatory state?

  1. 1. I have ADHD, so it is very difficult for me to focus longer than an hour or so at a time. Therefore, I tend to work in 30-45 minute sections with approximately a 30 – 60 minute break in between. Otherwise, I notice that my effectiveness goes downhill.

    2. My research question is two-fold: “Why are girls often diagnosed with autism later in life?” and “What should we change to better identify our girls with autism to provide them services earlier?”

  2. 1. I don’t have preferred research tradition. It depends on the purpose of the research and what kind of question I have. For qualitative research, I would focus on a specific topic I want to explore and investigate. And I am going to use this research method for my teacher inquiry project. the reason for that is because I am trying to understand whether my teaching method in math intervention is effective or not for students with developmental delay? The focus group for this project is very small, and the duration of my data collection process is relative short. I am trying to understand the effectiveness of my teaching practices through class observations, students’ work samples, and their test results and progress monitoring over a period of time. On the other hand, for quantitative research, it involves large sample sizes, the collection and analysis of numerical data through various methods, such as surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis. And the research result can be generalize to larger population. It also takes long time to complete.

    2. My research question is “Using CRA model in Math Intervention: Case Studies Examining the Effectiveness of Teaching Students with Developmental Delay by using Do The Math Curriculum”

  3. 1. I am extremely scatterbrained and my thought process can get very entangled, overlapped, and discombobulated, which can be quite overwhelming. Therefore, organization, for me, is key for research success. Creating a document that highlights information that I want to include, say in sections of my paper, keeps me organized. So in my mind, I have these buckets where I can chuck information. Once I have enough material to create a decent statement and can back that statement up with quality information, I have paragraphs I can utilize and move around my paper as I see fit.

    2. What impact does trauma have on dyslexia and how can the co-management of optometrists and reading specialists aid in supporting children with this reading disability?

  4. My research question is: What is the effectiveness of behavior contracts on academic performance, behavior, and classroom management.

    Preferred research tradition: Quantitative

  5. My research question is: Primarily focusing on English Language Learners and Dual Langauge Program participants, what is the effectiveness of Google Translate/translation software on student achievement and affect?

    Preferred research tradition: Quantitative

  6. My research question is: What is the effectiveness of self-advocacy instruction on 11th and 12th grade student’s disability self awareness? … I may add something about accessing post-secondary accommodations (for the 12th grade group) not 100% sure about that.

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