2/4 (2/13)

Principles of Action Research

Selecting Topics

Here is our EDUC 670 class recording from 2/4.

Here is our EDUC 602 class recording from 2/13.

14 thoughts on “2/4 (2/13)

    • Currently I am wanting to explore along the lines of: What is the effect and relationship between the use of sentence frames and the development of voice in student writing? I definitely want to look at this question with the population of my English Language Learners but also with the general population of my class as well.

    • What is the effect of…

      I am struggling to figure out where I want to take my topic. I want to work on something in regards to the over representation of minority students. I just am having a hard time define the direction I want to go.

    • My topic is on how effective a break pass system is in reducing elopement behavior in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.

  1. Blog Post 2- Selecting topic

    What is the effect of self-reflection on behavior in the classroom?

    First I need to define self-reflection and behavior. Then to decide when and how that reflection occurs and to connect it to behavior changes. I can see where my bias might come into interpreting my data. Below are a few questions that are brewing in my mind.
    Would I give too much or too little credit to self-reflection and behavior changes that may occur?
    Would I overlook other contributing factors that are affecting student behavior?
    Would it be sharing the results of the self-reflection with the student be more impactful that the act of reflection?
    Is the cumulative data more impactful?
    Would my students have the executive function to reflect on their actions either in terms of behavior or academic engagement?

  2. My topic is the under-representation of girls being diagnosed with autism and how it affects them in education, both academically and socially.

  3. I would like to explore the impact of sensory tools on behavioral data. Can’t decide between focusing on on-task or other data like problem solving data. For reference, I work in a day treatment program where all students are on IEP’s, have BSP’s, and have social/emotional and behaviors needs.

    Ideas or input welcomed.

  4. I am going to look into the addition of gross motor breaks in the classroom and student engagement. Students will complete a self report and teacher will collect data before gross motor breaks are added and after.

  5. I was thinking about working on how effective is Do the Math curriculum in teaching students with learning disabilities; however, I am having trouble finding articles specifically related to the curriculum. Since there are math manipulatives are used in the curriculum, I am going to focus on how effective are the math manipulatives for students with learning disabilities?

  6. I’m thinking about Social Skills/Social and Emotional Learning for students with severe cognitive disabilities. There has been a big push in the last few years to focus on social and emotional learning in schools, but not much of what is there is geared toward students with significant barriers to learning. The school I work at is set up mostly for students with ED, and the students I work with are there because they simply aren’t successful in LRE placements. Social Skills curriculum exists for ED students, and we have Social Skills Specialists in the school because they use a Collaborative Problem Solving model with the ED students. CPS isn’t really effective with the students I work with. I guess I’m looking to see (1) what is available in this area for the students I work with (i.e. “tools”), and (2) what is the effectiveness of using/teaching these tools with the population I work with.

  7. My topic is looking at how implementing behavior contracts with students who’s primary eligibility category is emotional behavior disability can both increase expected behaviors and decrease unwanted behaviors across school settings.

  8. My focus area for the teacher inquiry project will be disability awareness in students with disabilities. I am interested in supporting my students self-advocacy skills by increasing their knowledge of the contents in their IEP. Through the pandemic, student participation in the IEP process decreased. I think this impacted student’s ability to learn about their disability(ies) and accommodations that help them be successful academically and functionally. I will gather data from students in 11th and 12th grade, most of whom are on my caseload. The objective of my action research, for my 12th graders, is to provide opportunity for the development (or strengthening) of self-advocacy skills as they get ready to graduate and transition in June. As for my 11th grade students, my objective is to measure where they are now and where they are after an intervention, and then utilize this data to prepare lessons and objectives that I can incorporate into their senior year.

  9. Working with Dual-Identified students, I will be looking into the effectiveness of digital softwares like Google Translation within the classroom. Does it improve their comprehensive learning, their learning outcomes, and writing skills? Is it effective and/or accurate? Due to limited research on the topic, I do have different directions my study can take me, but am slowly finding my way. Students in my class will complete a self report pre/post survey on their approximated use of apps alike and their effectiveness. I will collect data before and after direct instruction on how to effectively use online translation softwares, without solely depending on their use to complete all assignments.

  10. My topic is the implementation of behavior contracts with high school students who’s primary eligibility category is emotional behavior disability. I want to look at how this can increase desired behaviors, decrease unwanted behaviors, and impact the student’s academic success. It is one way to be able to hand the general education teacher specific ways to work on behavior management in their classroom.

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