It has a Beach House Feel to it with a little Arcade Fire. I love the organs!
Shot during the recording of Anna’s Ceremony album.
Anna von Hausswolff – Ceremony (2012)
Something to think about:
Forget everything you knew about music. Anna von Hausswolff disturbs it from the joints, affects one as a fist and shake a like a hail storm in June. Accompanied by handclaps and a stubborn but stunning church organ embedded music landscape into Ceremony.
Ceremony is both a pop album, and is not. The easy dystopian in Mountains Crave loosened by Anna von Hausswolff song that dot safely slides between notes. Songs like No Body and Epitaph of Theodor includes the current music masses that are entirely instrumental, beautiful, but big in their sadness. From extremes to the extremes are songs like Liturgy of Light, where a lone voice of glitter and Harmonica as In a symphony of rhythms, crackling cords and tones that are forced out of their orbits.
With the economy as a main ingredient and the song as an unshakable core sweeps Anna von Hausswolff with a headlong into the eye of the storm. The road there is paved with epic Sova, in which a single line of text in Swedish only makes me smile before I devour latency seriously. Anna von Hausswolff sings “jag vill inte sova mer … kommer aldrig vanka mer” (“I do not want to sleep more … will never wander more.”)
Ceremony is a record that is both dark and sublime, where the church organ’s majestic sound turns on what we thought were physically possible.